Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Liberals win a hand

headshotJohn Podhoretz

This has been couple of months for the right a bad. This is the discussion of the new mandate in ObamaCare nowhere true when the calamitous in turn took last week.

After the Government that it employers announced belong to force contraception in their health coverage, the excitement about the attack on freedom of religion was shown this step (for Catholic institutions in particular) deeply troubling for the administration.

The White House concocted a face true ends and inadequate shine on their policies to try to calm things. But it seemed it lost ground and Republicans gave a kind of a political gift.

Rush to judgment: Rush Limbaugh drew fire for insulting a female contraception advocate, but his remarks don’t justify Democrats’ glee.Rush to judgment: Rush Limbaugh drew fire for insulting a female advocate of contraception, but his remarks do not justify joy Democrats.

But then blew the right, partly because presidential candidate Rick Santorum bizarre contraception in the GOP primary season introduced by telling a blogger in October, the "one of the things I speak, that no President has spoken about is I believe the risks of contraception in this country."

The stray remark was the necessary condition for a rising argument that Republicans were declared war on women and sex.

A decision by a House Committee on the new mandate planning bonehead led to an official hearing where males testifies only conservatives ("sorry.") Too late "(sagte_eine_Mitarbeiterin_des_Ausschusses_als_Demokraten,_eine_weibliche_Diskussionsteilnehmer_vorgeschlagen_zu_sprechen) - that was an immediate and highly promotable cause Celebre."

And as liberal own days hear fluke later with law student Sandra wild claims about the cost of contraception, Conservatives were more than a little crazy.

Rush Limbaugh tried to use calculations against them in a failed attempt of the fluke to ridiculous their claims with the proposal of the only way that everyone could spend as much about birth control would, if she is a slut or a prostitute.

The exclamations of outrage that the Limbaugh use the unjust and offensive language were welcomed comic hypocritical, coming from people who could be harassed by similar stuff to least conservative women like Laura Ingraham, s.e. Cupp and Sarah said Palin.

Limbaugh, who eloquently made online as well as excused over the air, still, a classic error, which helps to explain how lost the right of the argument.

He beat himself - after someone less than he went.

It is one thing if Limbaughs target and the target of the public anger of the right, is capitalized other prominent politicians and entertainers, the President or the Democratic Party.

But during the 30-year-old, hrige "sex activist" Sandra fluke might not be the simple wet-behind the ears just out of College "Law student" the media and President Obama her out has to be, it is not without Rush Limbaugh.

Battles over social policy have always the idea that the mighty injustice on the less powerful impose their convictions. This was the battle was right with ObamaCare mandate win - unjust violence of the powerful central Government was used.

You have turned on the right side with liberals promote the view that the conservative use to insult their power and infringe and freedoms of women. Sandra fluke was the representative woman harassed by Limbaugh that all conservative and Republican.

Her hats have conservatives handed them partially due to overconfidence on the political value of their attack and excessive certainty, as they were right on the issue. This is an important lesson for them this election year.

Although a conservative Echo Chamber that can silence exterior views there, but the size of a Tennis Hall, the Liberal Echo Chamber, which is compared to the size of the Astrodome. Conservatives have always excessive and blinding triumphalism difficulty because the mainstream media always there will be to challenge them.

But the pleasure almost Berserker triumphalistische liberal and the left from their success has very little resistance, given the degree of contempt they have against those who reject them. They can start to play begin to feel, can not lose them, and so they can careless and stupid won with this hand.

To win this hand. But they can lose. You can not only help, fooled to believe that they can not themselves. It is a pre-existing condition.


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